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Array Resume

In this section you’ll find a list of all array fonctionalities.


Array Size

Returns the number of elements in each dimension of n-dimensional array.

Index Array

Returns the element or subarray of n-dimensional array at index.

Replace Subset

Replaces an element or subarray in a n-dimensional array at the point you specify in index.

Insert Into Array

Inserts an subarray into n-dimensional array at the point you specify in index and axis.

Delete From Array

Deletes an element or subarray from n-dimensional array of length elements starting at index.

Initialize Array

Creates a n-dimensional tensor in which every element is initialized to the value of element.

Buid Array

Build arrays to an n-dimensional array.

Concatenate Array

Concatenate arrays to an n-dimensional array.

Array Subset

Returns a portion of array starting at index and containing length elements.

Min & Max

Returns the maximum and minimum values found in array, along with the indexes for each value.

Reshape Array

Changes the dimensions of an array according to the values of dimension size 0..m-1.

Sort Array

Rearranges array by sorting the elements in ascending order.

Shuffle Array

Rearranges the elements of an array in a pseudorandom order.

Reverse 1D Array

Reverses the order of the elements in array, where array is of any type.

Search In Array

Searches for an element in an array starting at start index.

Split 1D Array

Divides array at index and returns the two portions with the element of index at the beginning of second subarray.

Split 2D Array

Divides array at index and returns the two portions with the element of index at the beginning of second subarray.

Rotate 1D Array

Rotates the elements of array the number of places and in the direction indicated by n.

Increment Array Element

Adds 1 to the specified elements of a n-dimentional array.

Decrement Array Element

Subtracts 1 from the specified element of a n-dimentional array.

Interpolate 1D Array

Linearly interpolates a decimal y value from an array of numbers or points using a fractional index or x value.

Threshold 1D Array

Interpolates points in a one-dimentional array that represents a two-dimentional non-descending graph.

Interleave 1D Array

Interleaves corresponding elements from the input arrays into a single output array.

Decimate 1D Array

Divides the elements of array into the output arrays, placing elements into the outputs successively.

Transpose Array

Rearranges the elements of n-dimensional array such that array becomes transposed array.

Remove Duplicates From 1D Array

Removes duplicate elements from a one-dimentional array.
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