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Exponential Resume

In this section you’ll find a list of all exponential fonctionalities.



Computes the value of e raised to the x power, or the exponential of x.

Exponential (Arg) – 1

Computes 1 less than the value of e raised to the x power.

Power Of 10

Computes 10 raised to the x power.

Power Of 2

Computes 2 raised to the x power.

Power Of X

Computes x raised to the y power.

Y-th Root of X

Returns the yth root of the input value x.

Natural Logarithm

Computes the base e natural logarithm of x.

Natural Logarithm (Arg + 1)

Computes the natural logarithm of (x + 1).

Logarithm Base 10

Computes the base 10 logarithm of x.

Logarithm Base 2

Computes the base 2 logarithm of x.

Logarithm Base X

Computes the base x logarithm of y.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
