CuBLAS Resume

In this section you’ll find a list of all CuBLAS fonctionalities.

amax This function finds the (smallest) index of the element of the maximum magnitude.
amin This function finds the (smallest) index of the element of the minimum magnitude.
asum This function computes the sum of the absolute values of the elements of vector x.
axpy This function multiplies the vector x by the scalar alpha and adds it to the vector y overwriting the latest vector with the result.
copy This function copies the vector x into the vector y.
dot This function computes the dot product of vectors x and y.
nrm2 This function computes the Euclidean norm of the vector x.
rot This function applies Givens rotation matrix.
rotg This function constructs the Givens rotation matrix.
rotm This function applies the modified Givens transformation to vectors x and y.
rotmg This function constructs the modified Givens transformation.
scal This function scales the vector x by the scalar alpha and overwrites it with the result.
swap This function interchanges the elements of vector x and y.
gemv This function performs the matrix-vector multiplication : y = α * op(A)x + β * y
gemm This function performs the matrix-matrix multiplication : C = α * op(A) * op(B) + β * C
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