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Numeric Resume
In this section you’ll find a list of all numeric fonctionalities.
Add | Computes the sum of the inputs. | |
Substract | Computes the difference of the inputs. | |
Multiply | Returns the product of the inputs. | |
Divide | Computes the quotient of the inputs. | |
Quotient & Remainder | Computes the integer quotient and the remainder of the inputs. | |
Increment | Adds 1 to the input value. | |
Decrement | Subtracts 1 from the input value. | |
Add Array Element | Returns the sum of all the elements in input array. | |
Multiply Array Element | Returns the product of all the elements in input array. | |
Absolute | Returns the absolute value of the input. | |
Round To Nearest | Rounds the input to the nearest integer. | |
Round Toward -Infinity | Truncates the input to the next lowest integer. | |
Round Toward +Infinity | Rounds the input to the next highest integer. | |
Scale By Power Of Two | Multiplies x by 2 raised to the power of n. | |
Square Root | Computes the square root of the input value. | |
Computes the square of the input value. | ||
Negates the input value. | ||
Reciprocal | Divides 1 by the input value. | |
Sign | Returns the sign of input. |